Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Speaking at McGill / Internet Hysteria

I was the guest speaker at Queer McGill (McGill University in Montreal) on Friday, November 24th. What a ripping night. Hour magazine listed this event in their Hit List, which presumably made it the hottest event in Montreal that night! On November 23rd, this entry was also listed as the number one Google news headline for the keywords 'Jehovah's Witness'!

We talked for hours about growing up queer and being raised in a religion, we did the Devil's Checklist and temporary tattoos, and Stephen and Karan were kind enough to read from my book. Something really magical happened as well--there were parents there who were in the process of working out how they feel about their daughter's orientation, and they let us into that process, sharing intimate family details. I applaud the group for making the atmosphere comfortable enough for them to open up.

Check out the venue below. How perfectly ironic...

Thank-you once again, everyone who made this happen.

Friday, November 24, 7-9 p.m.
United Theological College Building
3521 University (above Milton)
(514) 398.2106


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